I got those lovesick blues

Written by Negi on Monday, December 28, 2009 at 7:52 PM

Just around the corner is the new year wow another year has come and gone and well what have i learned over this year...wells alot! really but I will not go into details really but mostly from last years Resolutions I accomplised majourity of em didn't really date alot or even or gone out on any but that really doesn't really matter I met alotta fun people to go out with on those saturday nights so basicly that was fun...hmmm alotta money spent tho..but what ever

so for carrer job wise ha ...wal-mart fun stuff...well not really but fuck it's a job so it will have to do for now the only awesome thing about it is that I can grow out my hair for the winter so..wooo!

over all for my life-style 2010 is goin to be one interesting year there is alot I want to do I want to travel at least once every 3-4 months so by march I wanna to at least hop on a plane and fly to quebec or go to calgary or even edmonton haven't gone there in a long time and by the summer New York or Japan ether or be fun...wow single life is fun but is lonely...but hey all in how you make it really...

but theres alot to do in the new year and yes my blog posts are always random and well what can you do..so let's make a Negi' 2010 new years resolution list!

1-Finish/Start up Doujinshi (many stories have been started just need to be finished)
2-Have fun with Friends as much as I can
3-Meet a nice girl....or wild girl? ahaha who knows
4-finish up this term of uni
5-just do what I can to make my life exciting!
6-get a tattoo-haha!
7-pick up bass guitar and guitar again....
8-not seal fate it self and live life with that fact that a simple encounter can start a change

do do do do! so that's all for my random rants!


Written by Negi on Sunday, December 27, 2009 at 7:20 PM

Well using my Cousins new pc for this post...odd...makes me want a new PC..wait now..not PC... I WANT TO GET A MAC BOOK! yea...be alot better then this PC..MWHAHAHAHAHAHA

anyways whats new to talk or mention! oh! boxing day what did I buy
well heres the list
Alvin the Chipmunk Plush
Ghostbusters T-shirt
The Office 16 month Calender
Ghostbusters minimates toy
Blackwing fane the steel chain card
25 dollar itunes card
fall out boys greatest hits
Alvin and the chipmunks movie
Gran Tarino
Office Space

over all pretty good will talk about my christmas gifts laterz

Merry Christmas!

Written by Negi on Friday, December 25, 2009 at 3:42 PM

And thats my Christmas Drawing will updatet his laterz

Happy Holidays!

Written by Negi on Tuesday, December 22, 2009 at 10:48 PM

Well this will be my second Christmas Single? why do I bring it up? well I dunno just been a Fun and Interesting Year and Glade my Drawings Have improved I'm still wanting to be a Teacher but that hope is slowly passing by me and I'm really wanting to get on the whole artist thing like get my own Manga going or at least improve my work ...by i dunno ALOT! that and be great but I still don't think Graphic Design is where I wanna head But I dunno we Shall see 2010 is a new year comming up so here's hoping!

oh and Merry Christmas! and Happy Holidays!! HERES MY HOLIDAY DRAWING!

Christmas Blues

Written by Negi on Monday, December 14, 2009 at 9:01 PM

Oh Christmas

Artist vs Artist

Written by Negi on Thursday, December 10, 2009 at 1:09 AM

what happens when all you do is study...you start talking to yourself lol

and hours later

Written by Negi on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 at 7:35 PM

and soo all that remains is knowledge for an exam tomorrow night...just gotta go over the minor details but i get the gist of it all so! wish me luck and yes i will one day own a sweater like that one...one day...when i get time to make one ah-ha!

what can i do?>

Written by Negi on Monday, December 7, 2009 at 12:11 AM

so what to talk about eh?

all i been talkin about is schooll..school and more school oh and work..work oh hell fucking sucks and thats really all theres nothing really new but..nothing really new..but christmas...ohchristmas... oh arn't you a fuck you

well thats really all so back to studying

and yet when you look at your own shadow all you see is how empty it really is...

Written by Negi on Sunday, December 6, 2009 at 1:31 AM

hmm that sounds like an interesting title let me finish it

And yet when you look at your own shadow....you see how empty and dark it looks...its like a reflection of what never was..you slowly see that all the hope you once had...the dreams you once wanted to prosue all just nothing...now you moved on trying to find the light but yet you can't you keep running from what scares you...from what you know will hurt you ...you just wont accept it.

ANYWAYS!!! the world is a harsh place no matter how hard you try to ignore it but hell what can you do right?

school at the moment for me is..eh? studying everyday going over my notes re-writing em to be more exact I gone through all my cds already kinda sad...but eh what can ya do right? hmm exams on wedensday so i have 3 days left to go over everything! which is aboriginal relgieon,Hinduism,Buddism in india, Buddism in china ,Confucianism and all of japans relgeion not that hard but meh? I even have all of wedensday to study too but yea...thats all i gotta back TO THE BOOKS!


Written by Negi on Friday, November 27, 2009 at 8:09 PM

"No matter where I go I don't know where I'm heading"

Well Exam season! fun fun-desu? <.<>

theres not much to talk about to to mention just same old same old....you know get up...get dressed go to work...go to class same shit everyday nothing exciting!....*sigh* well all i gotta do is focus on my exam and that's it then I'm wal-marts bitch for the month..WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK AND WORK!!!! *sigh*....that's really all nothing much....

Assiassin's Creed II

Written by Negi on Monday, November 23, 2009 at 2:00 AM

So picked up the new Creed game and gotta say... nice set more pics to come!


Written by Negi on Monday, November 16, 2009 at 11:07 PM

k update on the page i posted before hand but done!

temp page

Written by Negi on at 4:35 PM

just testing out the waters with this one! so its brif simple and what not just testing out the new program

Before (I) knew it, it was just the sound of the wind...

Written by Negi on Saturday, November 14, 2009 at 1:10 AM

Well ...wow haven't posted in awhile have I? well let's get ya all up to speed!

I am currently working on my manga like always ...at this moment i like where the story is going..its dark and wtf! and about 7 pages are done once i get up to 8 done ..i will start inking them and scaning them!!! oh! for the best part is i now own everything i need! Tablet! Manga Studio and all that's left is getting a MAC ....but that comes later in the years.....maybe i will sell my netbook...but we shall see ne?

theres nothing more to say

Chibi-comics are back!

Written by Negi on Monday, October 26, 2009 at 10:53 PM

so new


A brilliant GOLDEN TIME, I'll grab it with these hands

Written by Negi on Friday, October 23, 2009 at 12:15 AM

With each path I take I make a new one with a new one made a memory is left. May it be a good or bad what matters is that it holds a reminder of where I been and what was done

(random post..each paragraph is a random thought,....soo be ready!)

So I am now back from my Toronto Adventure and seem to gained another follow....hmmm interesting desu ne? well it was a good trip checking out the town and debating on what to do now in life...seeming like a waste of what I been doing really but hey lifes full of up and downs so over all looking at it as a game seems like Im losing but who knows

So I have all of these drawings and well many pages done and nothing really accomplised I have many story ideas and everything is all over the place I can't seem to stick to one story so Now I thought maybe is i try to to finish what pages I have and make them all one shot short stories and bond them into a mini book to see where that takes me but thats an idea i have for now I guess...

Guess...Lifes full of events that are always unexpected and so are the choices being made no one i guess can be really happy with themselves....but Im learning that the hard way like I always do...but that's what makes everything interesting I guess...sure I'm a gloomy person but hey th DOOM cloud that hangs over my head well it's there you just gotta believe it's there...just like the entrance to hogwarts...believe!!!!...BELIEVE IN IT DAMN IT!!!

Damn it all..there been times I asked myself...what is my purpose here? will I ever find someone? when you look you seem not to look hard enough....when you look hard you seem to miss something..when You fall you can't get up when you get up you can't seem to see when one can't see you become blind. when you are blind you can't see what's really close You've gotta be extra careful with The things that are close and dearest to you You know the closer you get to something The tougher it is to see it

Will I ever be able to see it? who knows..but till then may this random post be known and not forgotten and when i re-read this I will ask myself wtf I was on or why did I write this...

Page 2

Written by Negi on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at 11:38 PM

here is page two

On the road!

Written by Negi on Monday, October 5, 2009 at 12:55 AM

On the road...everyone is in a middle of a journey to find ones self!! I try to walk on..but we are all travelers...expanding on words before my eyes are roads that will someday be one...the roads will continue to change towords a new dawn....But I want to witness it...a journey through the decade....

The truth is something that is reflected in the eyes of the heart...so on this road I try to find the world where I belong too...I just want too try to get my hands on something thats untouchable! so this is why I must try to understand myself and try not get taken into a world of dispair!


Written by Negi on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 at 12:32 AM

Well my lovely cousin in B.C picked this up for me!
awesome!! now my pink one has a friend!!
that and this new one is going to be my field cam! ...crazy!!!!
but besides that there isnt much to talk about just saving money and well Toronto soon thats going to be interesting none-the-less really so let;s hope for the best an enjoy the rest of my pics ^-^

"Just a Kamen Rider passing through, remember that!"

Written by Negi on Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 2:11 PM

Ahh this is awesome I got my BBF(Black Bird Fly) today...sweeet!!! hahahaha damn good camera ...well can't say that yet really >.> But oh well on with the pics!

Front of the box

Back of the box
Side of the lovely box
This here is before I took the Camera Out see the mini box in there is the strap and film case
O0O0O0O0O0O in it's Cage!
ok after I took it out...took me a while to fig how to put the strap on the camera..(don't ask)
Pretty!!!! I can't wait to start usng it!

EDITED: ok got film in the camera now! awesome! lol i done alot of "decade" shots ...Im callin them that because i can use the same frame of the film and take a few shots on top of each other so its goin to look AWESOME! lol so im goin out tomorrow around the city and takin pics! hahahaha! so yea thats really all the camera is awesome now i just need a look to match it!

(通りすがりの仮面ライダーだ、覚えておけ!, Tōrisugari no Kamen Raidā da, oboeteoke!?).

I am the destroyer of all. Those who touch me are destroyed. Remember that!

Written by Negi on Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at 2:17 PM

Well there isn't much new lately wow a WHOLE YEAR went back and it's Almost time for school again....Guess it's that time for me to set some goals for the school year...ahhh but what should those lovely goals be?? For starters as always try to do well...nothing is interesting anymore in my so-called-life-style! but what can you do? Maybe I just find certain activitys boring or just don't care it's really ether or...But well One month to go really! yes I am jumping around in this post for that reason well it's what I do best ha ha!

But I will do a recap but before I do a quote "If it's a big issue, you don't try to get over it, You hold it inside and move on. Whether it grew from a need for vengeance, or from deciding to run from something. Strength is still strength. Be the one that can move forward no matter how dirty you get. Good and Evil, Strength and weeakness, The power to accept everything as it is, and swallow it up! To accept the darkness...therein lies the answer...."

So wheres my answer? theres the darkness but I see no answer!!

But guess that answer will come to me soon enough but till then I will just keep taking differnt paths and distract the fate that lies ahead of me

So for my goals for school just to pass!

One Month Toronto! why toronto? a show to see and sites to be photographed! as I said to my friend today.

-I just want to capture my world really
+sounds nice
-but its just hard to capture it tho
+Why is that?
-the world doesn't want me to capture it.
+why not? did it say, hey chris! stop taking pictures of us signed the world

-no It just becomes twisted by itself, The city, The light...even the people...run away from me.
More of a meda the anything else

More of less how I can put it! it's really word for word!

But moving on to why I want to photograph the world...The world is very small, but to those who know, it's large. I taken a liken to photography even tho I can't even develop my own photos...yet! but kind of lazy so who knows till then I will just capture the world as I see it!

so yea that's my post oh! also for photography wise I am now offcialy waiting on my New camera that I bought the Lovely Decade Pink Black Bird Fly!
well that's all till then or tomorrow there might be a drawing up later tonight or tomorrow so see ya!

holy crap post 101

Written by Negi on Sunday, September 6, 2009 at 1:21 AM

holy crap post 101

hmm sorry for the lack of updates and all hmm not much school starts soon is really all i have to say

hmmm not really alot i wanna talk about really retaking a course really..hmmm haven't been socialable really...uhhhh oh! Im planing on leaving for tornoto like living there maybe...but we will see ( I may be lying :O) but who knows hmm well I got no new pages been workin on other stuff like my costume for halloween!! I really want to dress up as a reaper or as Jace Beleren from MTG god his look is awesome XD anyways here is a pic since I live mages and reapers and cloaks this is kind of a win!

thats kind of all for now! maybe monday or later on i may have a drawing!

100 post holy fuck!

Written by Negi on Monday, August 17, 2009 at 1:39 AM

well as you can tell been a while since a post and hell look a new page...soon i will have it all in order lets say ..these 2 pages is how it all began
but got page one done so with that said theres not alot going on ..not alot happening with me life just work and life passing me by like a whore that it is...made alot of new friends maybe lost a few...but thats life...friends come and go thats how it is.
but on another note my manga is slowly comming along tho i want to at least have a doujin done by next con but i always say that so who knows...
so for school only taking one course and well gotta work and plan my life out...alot to be done...so thats really all post 101 will be something interesting none the less


Written by Negi on Monday, July 13, 2009 at 2:19 AM

From time to time i believe life can sometimes be a lie no matter how you look at it...as they say make the best of what you got in life...but what id you got alot in life but just don't give a damn ...well at times i think that but what can you do..as you can tell at times im really negitive but really...yes im really negitive no matter how you see it but lately...over the past month or so i seen a lot of new things and met alot of new people...people are changing and moveing on

for example a friend of my mine is now happly married and is moving forward with her life and well makes me think...what am i doing with my life now...I mnow im tyring to move forward but am i really moving forward..am i taking that step forward...i hope so but at times i find alot of things boring but who knows..*coughcough* who knows what will happen and what will turn out...theres alot and i have no clue what am walking about but well till tomorrow

damn it negi stop it!

Written by Negi on Wednesday, July 8, 2009 at 5:21 PM

Nothing really new just these! ha!


Written by Negi on Thursday, July 2, 2009 at 1:58 AM

K today ok was canada day so i totally nerdeded out today at the villege and bought a Ghostbusters button and a Sweater holy fuck i was happy to get a GB sweater! ...IM FUCKING SET NOW TO GAME! hahahahaha

I have the Game for my PS3 ...and havn;t started playing it yet due to me not having the time but still...I HAVE A FUCKING GHOSTBUSTERS ZIP-UP HOODIE!!! omfg!!!! they place had other cool GB shirts...but i didn't have the money for em...next time i will get em!!!

on another note my braces come off in 6 hours fucking yea!

so yeah...GHOSTBUSTERS!!!! I can;t wait to start playing i will post pics of the game i got and button..for other ghostbusters stuff i have a shirt with the exact same design but it glows in the dark and says Ghostbusters on the bottom of it...and i also have another GB shirt that says "who ya gonna call" on the back..didn't wear that one yet...i wanna buy a few GB shirts as i said before...going to get s Stay purt marshmellowman one and slimed GB shirt and a plan Logo shirt and a few more for my GB shirt collection!!!


Written by Negi on Monday, June 29, 2009 at 12:39 AM

a lil song from SID-Lie just fixed up the lyrics to make it sound like a story is being told but hey did my best ....uhh what else to talk about...there isn't really much a friends wedding is comming up my braces are comming off and well hopeing before summer ends i will be inked with a cool tatoo!...hopefully....its going to be simple of course

even tho I can't count for satisfaction I will be going back to school and hopefully do well My goal is to become a teacher and change the world of kids to make them understand life is about what you make of it...and well for my life...Im trying my best to get all there...be almost a year..but hey i gotta keep moving forward i have alot to offer and a mind thats full of ideas I just gotta find myself and make this journey we call life come to a happy ending...even tho there is alot in this world who knows what may happen..sure I may be rambling but thats my think...gotta look on the bright side of life and just Go for it...no matter who gets my way Just got to do my best and make sure everycard i play counts! because it isn't over until that last card is played!

On another note..whats this? no I didn't draw it ...that there is Gold from the new Pokemon game...in honor of the new game for this years Con...maybe if I go to ai-kon I will cosplay as Gold to Honor the new game Soul Silver and Heart Gold...simple cosplay will be fun and yes ...I will buy the game when it comes out in the spring!
so On to the song!


The sky we saw that day, That scarlet sky

Hey, do you still remember that night?

The promise that we made that night on that early summer night

as I held you close to me

That pain that is hidden behind the smile you forcefully showed.

That's why I pretend not to notice it

I choose to not question it
I continue to wait for the unsurprising news to arrive at my door.

I waited all night and the morning that came sorry girl I knew about everything.

The sky we saw that day That Scarlet sky.

Hey, have you forgotten about it?

The promise that we made that night is now gone like that summer night

and yet, the two or us can't return to how it was.

The sounds, colors, and warmth have all been halved in this room

I’ll scatter it all while trembling, then grow tired and fall asleep

"I said I love you. you said I love you but that was a lie"

Those were your words.

As things are now, our love is becoming nothing more than a pain.

Thats why we've have to say goodbye.

Even though I hope someday hold your hand again, after we say goodbye,

but we probably never meet again, right?

Our final lie was a kind lie, I’ll never forget it

The sky we saw that day That Scarlet sky.

Hey, you'll remember it someday, right?

We both go on holding on to that promise we couldn’t keep


Written by Negi on Friday, June 26, 2009 at 2:19 AM

well this took me two nights to do but I got it done Thought it try a sketch of my characters...there are 4 of them can you see them all?

new page

Written by Negi on Tuesday, June 23, 2009 at 1:27 AM

H1N1 virus

Written by Negi on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 at 12:02 PM

well since its getting worse it sounds like a Zombie Virus outbreak....well if one thing leads to another and people are dying and being reanimated only one thing to do.......take those fuckers down! shoot em in the head!


Written by Negi on Monday, June 8, 2009 at 12:49 AM

Its never too late to learn that "Names" are very important!
what is a name? ok its not like naming something its more like a rough draft really but hell starting to draw them now to get them outta the way helps alot now...after i got like a few pages done just going to start working on some the name now for the rest of the pages...really helps...anyways thats all nothing really else new to say or blog about...Yet!

oh and for the sake of gundams!

found just going to do a random post

Written by Negi on Wednesday, June 3, 2009 at 3:50 PM

that is all XP

Shinigami #A-100100

Written by Negi on Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 12:56 AM

as Momo said to the kid who was about to jump
"What are you doing? You were about to jump because you wanted to die, weren't you?" *sigh* "I guess you can't kill yourself after all. What was that now, just some spur of the moment thing? You can't even kill yourself of your own free will. How sad."

wow just creepy words from a death god...that is why I love Ballad of a Death God just strong words used on those who just arn't ready to die...anyways

enjoying my new job...for now its fun and what not anyways thats all

nothing really new at the moment

Written by Negi on Thursday, May 28, 2009 at 12:44 AM

nothing too exciting got a job at wal-mart not sure how long thats going to last really but oh well
ummmm got new glasses my hair was dyed-green but i had to dye it back to black because of wal-mart but what ever not like i will be staying long anyways another job might be commin up around the corner anyways thats really all to end off this post here is another pic of badtz-maru! nd some other stuffs aswell

Badtz maru

Written by Negi on Monday, May 25, 2009 at 10:51 PM

Just being random and posting images just because! till tomororw!

Moving to a new future

Written by Negi on Friday, May 15, 2009 at 12:01 AM

after dewling and being stupied about everything the best way i can put anything is to that to match my life now is to Schrödinger's cat http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger's_cat just so you know what it is.

anyways to sum up everything life is what you make it no matter how much in despair you really are but I will change that the best I can do is keep on walking forward and hope for the best really just keep reaching for something I can never have in life...happiness....people come and go, lovers come and go and or Lovers become friends and become good friends(which is a hint to someone I know)

anyways thats really all im tierd drunk,full of pain killers and cold pills and really sleepy all three of those above ...help kill the pain in my heart and i guess liver?

Wake up

Written by Negi on Saturday, May 9, 2009 at 1:40 AM

Wake up, Stand up, I know but for what? One thing I crave is a weekend without Computer games. Pull the Trigger. Kill the...

anyways I need to find something before I'm bored of everything, What destiny awaits me? I don't want to regret being born,

on another note nothing really new...with me really life goes on ...slowly just what does the futrue have in store for me....work? love? lifestyle? just gotta take it one step at a time and hope every back-up plan i have hopefully works but if not just gotta get right back up and keep on moving forward just gotta keep on walking on this blood-soaked road ....
who knows why I chose this path or what im even talking about...o well thats all fow now

Page 2 done

Written by Negi on Friday, May 8, 2009 at 12:22 AM

Yup found it! hahaha yea there is a reason for the scarf it will be explained in the next two pages! thats all for now!

About the author

There is a lot about me at times I am's weird and random. But that's how I am. I'm the type of person who is a good guy at times and a jerk at all times but really it's more of a way for me to defend myself from people but really I'm understanding and a neat person once you get to know who I really am!

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