"Just a Kamen Rider passing through, remember that!"

Written by Negi on Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 2:11 PM

Ahh this is awesome I got my BBF(Black Bird Fly) today...sweeet!!! hahahaha damn good camera ...well can't say that yet really >.> But oh well on with the pics!

Front of the box

Back of the box
Side of the lovely box
This here is before I took the Camera Out see the mini box in there is the strap and film case
O0O0O0O0O0O in it's Cage!
ok after I took it out...took me a while to fig how to put the strap on the camera..(don't ask)
Pretty!!!! I can't wait to start usng it!

EDITED: ok got film in the camera now! awesome! lol i done alot of "decade" shots ...Im callin them that because i can use the same frame of the film and take a few shots on top of each other so its goin to look AWESOME! lol so im goin out tomorrow around the city and takin pics! hahahaha! so yea thats really all the camera is awesome now i just need a look to match it!

(通りすがりの仮面ライダーだ、覚えておけ!, Tōrisugari no Kamen Raidā da, oboeteoke!?).

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There is a lot about me at times I am's weird and random. But that's how I am. I'm the type of person who is a good guy at times and a jerk at all times but really it's more of a way for me to defend myself from people but really I'm understanding and a neat person once you get to know who I really am!

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