I am the destroyer of all. Those who touch me are destroyed. Remember that!

Written by Negi on Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at 2:17 PM

Well there isn't much new lately wow a WHOLE YEAR went back and it's Almost time for school again....Guess it's that time for me to set some goals for the school year...ahhh but what should those lovely goals be?? For starters as always try to do well...nothing is interesting anymore in my so-called-life-style! but what can you do? Maybe I just find certain activitys boring or just don't care it's really ether or...But well One month to go really! yes I am jumping around in this post for that reason well it's what I do best ha ha!

But I will do a recap but before I do a quote "If it's a big issue, you don't try to get over it, You hold it inside and move on. Whether it grew from a need for vengeance, or from deciding to run from something. Strength is still strength. Be the one that can move forward no matter how dirty you get. Good and Evil, Strength and weeakness, The power to accept everything as it is, and swallow it up! To accept the darkness...therein lies the answer...."

So wheres my answer? theres the darkness but I see no answer!!

But guess that answer will come to me soon enough but till then I will just keep taking differnt paths and distract the fate that lies ahead of me

So for my goals for school just to pass!

One Month Toronto! why toronto? a show to see and sites to be photographed! as I said to my friend today.

-I just want to capture my world really
+sounds nice
-but its just hard to capture it tho
+Why is that?
-the world doesn't want me to capture it.
+why not? did it say, hey chris! stop taking pictures of us signed the world

-no It just becomes twisted by itself, The city, The light...even the people...run away from me.
More of a meda the anything else

More of less how I can put it! it's really word for word!

But moving on to why I want to photograph the world...The world is very small, but to those who know, it's large. I taken a liken to photography even tho I can't even develop my own photos...yet! but kind of lazy so who knows till then I will just capture the world as I see it!

so yea that's my post oh! also for photography wise I am now offcialy waiting on my New camera that I bought the Lovely Decade Pink Black Bird Fly!
well that's all till then or tomorrow there might be a drawing up later tonight or tomorrow so see ya!

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About the author

There is a lot about me at times I am's weird and random. But that's how I am. I'm the type of person who is a good guy at times and a jerk at all times but really it's more of a way for me to defend myself from people but really I'm understanding and a neat person once you get to know who I really am!

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