I got those lovesick blues

Written by Negi on Monday, December 28, 2009 at 7:52 PM

Just around the corner is the new year wow another year has come and gone and well what have i learned over this year...wells alot! really but I will not go into details really but mostly from last years Resolutions I accomplised majourity of em didn't really date alot or even or gone out on any but that really doesn't really matter I met alotta fun people to go out with on those saturday nights so basicly that was fun...hmmm alotta money spent tho..but what ever

so for carrer job wise ha ...wal-mart fun stuff...well not really but fuck it's a job so it will have to do for now the only awesome thing about it is that I can grow out my hair for the winter so..wooo!

over all for my life-style 2010 is goin to be one interesting year there is alot I want to do I want to travel at least once every 3-4 months so by march I wanna to at least hop on a plane and fly to quebec or go to calgary or even edmonton haven't gone there in a long time and by the summer New York or Japan ether or be fun...wow single life is fun but is lonely...but hey all in how you make it really...

but theres alot to do in the new year and yes my blog posts are always random and well what can you do..so let's make a Negi' 2010 new years resolution list!

1-Finish/Start up Doujinshi (many stories have been started just need to be finished)
2-Have fun with Friends as much as I can
3-Meet a nice girl....or wild girl? ahaha who knows
4-finish up this term of uni
5-just do what I can to make my life exciting!
6-get a tattoo-haha!
7-pick up bass guitar and guitar again....
8-not seal fate it self and live life with that fact that a simple encounter can start a change

do do do do! so that's all for my random rants!

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About the author

There is a lot about me at times I am's weird and random. But that's how I am. I'm the type of person who is a good guy at times and a jerk at all times but really it's more of a way for me to defend myself from people but really I'm understanding and a neat person once you get to know who I really am!

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