another sleepless night

Written by Negi on Saturday, April 18, 2009 at 3:30 AM

well its another night of not being able to fucking sleep fun fun!

so what do you do when you can't sleep? watch a random sitcom....and thus brings me to now...
soo I been unemployed for 3 weeks(aprox) and yes it sucks balls im close to making it a month so what happens i get a phonecall for a job interview....hurray!!! so monday i get a job interview and lets hope to god it goes well but till then i get to work onmy manga woooo-pie!!!!!...god i wish i had a better life choice..o well thats what happens soo till then i but you all a good night and im going to watch the big bang theory now see yea!

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About the author

There is a lot about me at times I am's weird and random. But that's how I am. I'm the type of person who is a good guy at times and a jerk at all times but really it's more of a way for me to defend myself from people but really I'm understanding and a neat person once you get to know who I really am!

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