to be fair

Written by Negi on Sunday, April 18, 2010 at 7:27 AM

to be fair...i still question myself..i still question evrything i do everything i have done...was it worth it? what would happen if this happend? what would..>? every question ends with another another...what has everythign I done till now...mean? what do i matter in this world? do i really understand whats really givin to me? do i take things for granted? what happend if i never fell in love or what happend if i never met this person what what what what what? is all that comes up...maybe its just me..since i cant sleep at 730 in the damn morning

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About the author

There is a lot about me at times I am's weird and random. But that's how I am. I'm the type of person who is a good guy at times and a jerk at all times but really it's more of a way for me to defend myself from people but really I'm understanding and a neat person once you get to know who I really am!

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