I got those lovesick blues

Written by Negi on Monday, December 28, 2009 at 7:52 PM

Just around the corner is the new year wow another year has come and gone and well what have i learned over this year...wells alot! really but I will not go into details really but mostly from last years Resolutions I accomplised majourity of em didn't really date alot or even or gone out on any but that really doesn't really matter I met alotta fun people to go out with on those saturday nights so basicly that was fun...hmmm alotta money spent tho..but what ever

so for carrer job wise ha ...wal-mart fun stuff...well not really but fuck it's a job so it will have to do for now the only awesome thing about it is that I can grow out my hair for the winter so..wooo!

over all for my life-style 2010 is goin to be one interesting year there is alot I want to do I want to travel at least once every 3-4 months so by march I wanna to at least hop on a plane and fly to quebec or go to calgary or even edmonton haven't gone there in a long time and by the summer New York or Japan ether or be fun...wow single life is fun but is lonely...but hey all in how you make it really...

but theres alot to do in the new year and yes my blog posts are always random and well what can you do..so let's make a Negi' 2010 new years resolution list!

1-Finish/Start up Doujinshi (many stories have been started just need to be finished)
2-Have fun with Friends as much as I can
3-Meet a nice girl....or wild girl? ahaha who knows
4-finish up this term of uni
5-just do what I can to make my life exciting!
6-get a tattoo-haha!
7-pick up bass guitar and guitar again....
8-not seal fate it self and live life with that fact that a simple encounter can start a change

do do do do! so that's all for my random rants!


Written by Negi on Sunday, December 27, 2009 at 7:20 PM

Well using my Cousins new pc for this post...odd...makes me want a new PC..wait now..not PC... I WANT TO GET A MAC BOOK! yea...be alot better then this PC..MWHAHAHAHAHAHA

anyways whats new to talk or mention! oh! boxing day what did I buy
well heres the list
Alvin the Chipmunk Plush
Ghostbusters T-shirt
The Office 16 month Calender
Ghostbusters minimates toy
Blackwing fane the steel chain card
25 dollar itunes card
fall out boys greatest hits
Alvin and the chipmunks movie
Gran Tarino
Office Space

over all pretty good will talk about my christmas gifts laterz

Merry Christmas!

Written by Negi on Friday, December 25, 2009 at 3:42 PM

And thats my Christmas Drawing will updatet his laterz

Happy Holidays!

Written by Negi on Tuesday, December 22, 2009 at 10:48 PM

Well this will be my second Christmas Single? why do I bring it up? well I dunno just been a Fun and Interesting Year and Glade my Drawings Have improved I'm still wanting to be a Teacher but that hope is slowly passing by me and I'm really wanting to get on the whole artist thing like get my own Manga going or at least improve my work ...by i dunno ALOT! that and be great but I still don't think Graphic Design is where I wanna head But I dunno we Shall see 2010 is a new year comming up so here's hoping!

oh and Merry Christmas! and Happy Holidays!! HERES MY HOLIDAY DRAWING!

Christmas Blues

Written by Negi on Monday, December 14, 2009 at 9:01 PM

Oh Christmas

Artist vs Artist

Written by Negi on Thursday, December 10, 2009 at 1:09 AM

what happens when all you do is study...you start talking to yourself lol

and hours later

Written by Negi on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 at 7:35 PM

and soo all that remains is knowledge for an exam tomorrow night...just gotta go over the minor details but i get the gist of it all so! wish me luck and yes i will one day own a sweater like that one...one day...when i get time to make one ah-ha!

what can i do?>

Written by Negi on Monday, December 7, 2009 at 12:11 AM

so what to talk about eh?

all i been talkin about is schooll..school and more school oh and work..work oh hell fucking sucks and thats really all theres nothing really new but..nothing really new..but christmas...ohchristmas... oh arn't you a fuck you

well thats really all so back to studying

and yet when you look at your own shadow all you see is how empty it really is...

Written by Negi on Sunday, December 6, 2009 at 1:31 AM

hmm that sounds like an interesting title let me finish it

And yet when you look at your own shadow....you see how empty and dark it looks...its like a reflection of what never was..you slowly see that all the hope you once had...the dreams you once wanted to prosue all just nothing...now you moved on trying to find the light but yet you can't you keep running from what scares you...from what you know will hurt you ...you just wont accept it.

ANYWAYS!!! the world is a harsh place no matter how hard you try to ignore it but hell what can you do right?

school at the moment for me is..eh? studying everyday going over my notes re-writing em to be more exact I gone through all my cds already kinda sad...but eh what can ya do right? hmm exams on wedensday so i have 3 days left to go over everything! which is aboriginal relgieon,Hinduism,Buddism in india, Buddism in china ,Confucianism and all of japans relgeion not that hard but meh? I even have all of wedensday to study too but yea...thats all i gotta back TO THE BOOKS!

About the author

There is a lot about me at times I am's weird and random. But that's how I am. I'm the type of person who is a good guy at times and a jerk at all times but really it's more of a way for me to defend myself from people but really I'm understanding and a neat person once you get to know who I really am!

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