So I been

Written by Negi on Tuesday, January 5, 2010 at 6:58 PM

Well Soo Doujin news I been working on a few names...and again I will say this : "The Name is the japanese word a simple draft of a chapter, meant to map out the paneling compostion, dialogue and backgrounds."

so I am working on two current Names one from way way way back "dIsLiFe" yes thats how it's goin to be spelt the "dis" in "life" went from This LIfe to Dislife to dIsLiFe to make it look interesting the dis can be mean many things.....oh! about the story the story is about a reaper(duh) who tells the story about his job heres a part of it

"Death is everywhere, in the shadows, on the plane, or even behind you at this very moment, but really death happens all the time and just happens....your most likley wondering why it happens? have you ever wonder why people scream for help? or when they bag for there life? or even who they are talking too...welll! for that reason when one reaches death we the reaper appear before those who are dying and suffering"

oh for my second name I am working on

I believe Im goin to call it PoKeMoN! Kouta's story!

Its about a boy named Kouta and his Pokemon where he retells the story about his move from Kanto to Johto and meeting up with an old friend/rival from five years before Kouta moved to Johto to start a anew with his partner Negi(Pikachu) and Glacia(Glaceon) his original starting pokemon from Kanto he devoleps a team and freindship with his pokemon starting with his Cyndaquil which he got in Johto then wondered around to Sinnoh to catch some more interesting pokemon over the five years Kouta earned all 8 badges in Johto and got a e-mail from "drake" his rival to meet him at mt.silver to see who vs the legendary trainer Red in this story who knows who will be the winner

woo and I can't wait to finish all of this up the pkm story is a joint project with The MOA's admin Matsuro one of my friends so this is goin to be an awesome story! so laterz all

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About the author

There is a lot about me at times I am's weird and random. But that's how I am. I'm the type of person who is a good guy at times and a jerk at all times but really it's more of a way for me to defend myself from people but really I'm understanding and a neat person once you get to know who I really am!

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