Stop and stare

Written by Negi on Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 1:51 AM

lol ok not really well nothing really new just working on a new intro page ...well guess i will write how it goes

Intro page -1
Panel 1- the scene starts up in a dark night, you see a building and someone screaming " HEY MAN LEAVE ME ALONE!!!"
Panel 2-teen-"What do you want from me, If it's money you can have my wallet!" Voice off panel-" I don't want that...what I want is for you to stop living..."
Panel-3 Shadowed fig- " you see if I don't end you now...that lil something in you will make my job alot harder to do..:

as you can see its all in the works still soo wish me luck it's late i gotta head off to bed soo yea till later and i will have some scans hopefully!

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About the author

There is a lot about me at times I am's weird and random. But that's how I am. I'm the type of person who is a good guy at times and a jerk at all times but really it's more of a way for me to defend myself from people but really I'm understanding and a neat person once you get to know who I really am!

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