ahhh its 3am

Written by Negi on Monday, April 13, 2009 at 2:51 AM

so its basicly almost three inthe morning and I can't sleep, been reading over my text book for my exam and thinking of course..'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCKK!" but you know thats my brain saying GO TO FUCKING SLEEP! but I been you know over thinking like I been have been for a while...god i could use a smoke..about...now....*shifts eyes* anyways *lights up smoke* .............yeah...these fuckers been helping...eh? yeah I said I stop I only have like 7 of these things anyways so no harm there only to help for exam time then that's it! ...till the summer. but really i been thinking too much about my future and relationships to come? lol i really would like to be with another girl or hell even a good girl-friend (you know a girl who is just a good friend) to talk to at a time like now....Geez don't I just sound needy huh?....but oh well this is what causes me to stay awake for fucking hours. and I really want to go down to Assinaboian or at least KP to watch the river or even people watch I want to get out doors and just Sketch or even go for a walk or blade I want to do so much but I don't have the time, Money or a Job to do so. it really sucks really. but what can you do huh? maybe by wedensday my life may be in order hopefully *sigh* god I even started playing Yu-Gi-Oh! again to kill time ...no I didn't spend money I traded in all my crap cards for a deck I play with but its something to do really, that and I really have to finish up the Prize Baskets for Anime Skate Night and of course my cosplay for it as well for my cosplay Im going to go as my character from my manga...best i can do really it will look really interesting ...anyways I leave you with a random pic I just finished and I hope I can get to bed soon

Hope you people like It I hope it doesn't look too fake lol I tried really anyways I should call it a night I plan to get up in the next 6 hours to study anyways till later!

1 Responses to "ahhh its 3am"

Comment by Tatsutahime
April 13, 2009 at 11:45 AM #  

The casino is ALWAYS hiring. Juss get your resume ready and ask for an external application at the guest kiosk. Also be sure to put "please keep this resume on file for future opportunities" on your cover letter (or something to that extent) so they keep it for 3 months. ^^

About the author

There is a lot about me at times I am's weird and random. But that's how I am. I'm the type of person who is a good guy at times and a jerk at all times but really it's more of a way for me to defend myself from people but really I'm understanding and a neat person once you get to know who I really am!

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