Well I got three new pages done for a different story I am writing I wanted to keep it a lil secert but a lil sample about what I am writing about will be interesting anyways here is the Plot
The story revoles around Colsen (Sen for short) who has made a pact with a fallen angel this pact was randomly made due to a miss understanding during a break-up with a girl who he loved with all his heart what has happen was when he made this deal he would of to deal with any kind of misfortune four years later, what happens is what ever the girl he loved so much broke his heart saw him get killed.
all thanks to the illusion the angel has put up infront of the girl, what ever she had to deal with all the pain all the suffering and hardships, Sen would experiance it all but Ten times as bad
BUT! for this to take effect he must run into the girl first....So with a bit of the fallens angel eye that was given to sen in a form of a round jewel that is around Sens neck as proof of the contract alot of hell is going to happen..who is Sen really? what is he?
"One stupied misunderstanding is Now Sen's Curse"

I also now have a QR Code so when you see it you can just scan it with your cell and Check out my Blog even faster now,..eh? your wondering what a QR code is? A QR Code is a matrix code (or two-dimensional bar code) created by Japanese corporation Denso-Wave in 1994. The "QR" is derived from "Quick Response", as the creator intended the code to allow its contents to be decoded at high speed. QR Codes are common in Japan, where they are currently the most popular type of two dimensional codes.