look a real!

Written by Negi on Monday, September 12, 2011 at 8:29 PM

hahaha look a real post in how many years?


Written by Negi on Tuesday, September 6, 2011 at 9:23 PM

nothing new just some lyrics!

I wander in a trap in endless night
Losing the meaning of existence itself
I can't return to the past, Don't you dare to know

Crumbling are all things that I believe
I don't want to see the reality on my darkest days
I can't get out of my circumstances, Don't know where to go

Do you know that "hope" is fake in this world
And "despair" is the only truth I've got
So slash apart the darkness

I'm restless at ∞, Why I must be bleeding?
I can't escape from the melancholy
I'm struggling at my limit, at the verge of going mad, Because it will never end
J'ai plus rien a croire
Cette vie qu'est-ce qu'il y a a voir?
I'm no match for this suffering world!

En levant les yeux, il n'y a rien a faire
J'ai plus envie de me mentir a moi meme
Mais, ces realites qui defoncent mon esprit

Pourquoi on vit? Pourquoi cet endroit?
Ou aller se plaindre? Qui me comprendra?
Ou est cette putain de verite?

S'egorger toujours tout le temps, qui voudra me faire peine a moi?
Comme quoi? Comme qui? Comme-ci comme-ca, sans raison, oh Dieu pourquoi?
Cette vie infernale
Continue jusqu'a ma finale
J'espere ma liberte

Ne pense pas qu'on passe sur un chemin etendu
C'est qu'une etape, et tape le chemin attendu
C'est qu'une etape, et tape le chemin attendu
C'est qu'une etape, et tape le chemin attendu
Personna essaye de comprendre ce que l'on dit
J'ai plus de dix ans! T'es con ou quoi?

I want to destroy the ∞, That's my last scream!
I can't avoid the reality
No Pain No Gain, I'll absolutely resist it If really there is an end
A quoi je m'attends?
Apocalypse maintenant
Unchanging is this suffering world!

About the author

There is a lot about me at times I am's weird and random. But that's how I am. I'm the type of person who is a good guy at times and a jerk at all times but really it's more of a way for me to defend myself from people but really I'm understanding and a neat person once you get to know who I really am!

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