
Written by Negi on Wednesday, August 25, 2010 at 12:30 AM

well basicly my will is like wtf at the moment..like..well nothing is really feeling right ...and my work piss's me off and i dont know what to do...maybe a day out will make me..well cant go out been working alot...and tryin to pay off bills and such..yup thats life for me really...nothing exciting

Scott Pilgrim vs the WORLD!!

Written by Negi on Wednesday, August 11, 2010 at 12:53 AM

So last night I went to an Advanced Screening of "Scott Pilgrim vs The World!"
for those who don't know about the movie so here is the symnop "In Toronto, 23-year-old Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) is the bass guitarist for the band Sex Bob-omb and has just met the girl of his dreams, Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead). Scott learns that he must battle Ramona's seven evil exes, who are coming to kill him, to finally win Ramona's heart. As Scott gets closer to Ramona, his encounters include skateboarders, vegan rock stars, and identical twins. To stay with Ramona, Scott must vanquish all of the seven evil exes before they defeat him"

ok thats the movie heres the quicky way to say it from the books "The series is about 23-year-old Canadian Scott Pilgrim, a slacker, hero, and part-time bassist who is living in Toronto and plays bass guitar in the band "Sex Bob-Omb." He falls in love with American delivery girl Ramona V. Flowers, but must defeat her seven "evil ex-boyfriends" in order to date her."

so the movie was basicly just awesome..ok epic but some parts are skipped or not even mention at all inthe movie ok ok i get it the movie is loosely based on the graphic novels only using the books as a guide and mostly the epic lines from the book in the movie so it was like the books but wasn't...they referenced alot from the book which is awesome ..just awesome better then harry potter by far and such and such also ok

parts that are missed or not mention.. the so called "glow" for example at the end of book one "On the subway home, Scott and Ramona decide to become a couple, on the proviso that Scott agree to defeat her other evil-exes. When Scott asks if Gideon is one of them, Ramona's head glows sharply." yup her head glows..why? i have no fuckin clue still...

ok book two now this is what is mention at the end of the book
"As the fight is taking place, Scott gets a call from Envy Adams, who asks him to open for her band, The Clash at Demonhead that weekend. The conversation implies that they once had a relationship, and after the phone call, Wallace arrives at the apartment to find Scott in a near-coma-like state. Scott and his friends show up to see Envy's band on Friday, only to discover that Knives is now dating Young Neil, Stephen Stills' roommate. The book ends with an epic opening by The Clash at Demonhead, and introduces Ramona's third evil ex-boyfriend, Todd Ingram, who is the bassist." yup was pretty much in the movie but yeah..loved it but instead of wallce finding scott on the floor he was in the kitchen when envy called and said "ahh shit"

ok book three! "Chapter 16 opens with Envy, Todd and Lynette at a restaurant. Todd cheats at being a vegan and orders gelato, then proceeds to make out with Lynette while Envy is in the bathroom. Later, that evening, before opening for Envy's band, Ramona and Envy get into an argument and begin to fight, Ramona armed with a giant mallet. Midway through, Sex Bob-omb appears on stage in costume (Stephen Stills as Johnny Cash, Kim Pine in a gothic lolita dress, and Scott in a second-hand suit). Scott sees Envy about to kill Ramona and Knives, and jumps from the stage to hit her "weak point", the back of her knees. Ramona tells Envy that Todd is cheating on her, and that he performed his Moon crater trick for Ramona first, which is why there are two holes on the moon. Todd and Scott then proceed to have a boss battle, and Scott is aided by the powers of The Boys and Crash (the opening band for the evening). Todd almost wins the battle until the vegan police show up and strip him of his powers for multiple vegan offenses, such as eating gelato. Scott headbutts the powerless Todd, who is reduced to a pile of coins. Afterward, Scott receives an extra life. Finally, Sex Bob-omb gets to play, and Scott spots a strange character (Gideon) from the stage. The volume ends with Envy moving back home." ok that epicness there was not really in the movie only the vegan police and the list of what todd ate

Book four (almost there!)
(note this is all based around the end of each book and ripped from wiki for you lazy buggers!)" After briefly encountering Wallace in an awkward position and being informed that he was fired from his job during the fight, Scott goes to Lisa's house to spend the night. Lisa recalls whether Scott had any feelings for her in high school and if they should have an affair. After waking up from a dream which Roxie had infiltrated in an attempt to kill him, Scott learns that nothing happened between him and Lisa since he had finally managed to say that he loves Ramona. After getting his job back, Scott goes to the Second Cup, which is different from the one Stacey works at since Knives is working there. There, they are spotted by the samurai, revealed to be Knives' father who was not keen on Knives dating a white boy, who proceeds to attack Scott. Scott escapes via another subspace portal and ends up in Ramona's mind, where she is a slave to a shadowy figure. Ramona kicks Scott out of her head, telling him to forget what he saw, but before he can explain his true feelings, he finds Roxie staying over her house and is told to walk it off. As he walks on, Scott sees his dark self and rejects him, rushing back to Ramona to find her being attacked by Mr. Chau. Scott lures him away and gets him to fight against Roxie. When Scott realises he's just been a pussy all this time, he plucks up the courage to confess his love for Ramona, earning the Power of Love sword. Scott uses this to defeat Roxie, Ninja Gaiden-style, who warns him about the twins before dying. Scott then apologises to Mr. Chau, who leaves having earned respect for Scott, before Scott finally moves in with Ramona. After giving Lisa a farewell meal, Ramona finally tells Scott her age."

ohhh yess in book four we meet Lisa Miller..oh yea she wasnt in the movie at all should of mention that shouldnt it hahaha

Book five! shit starts to go down
"Scott rushes back to the apartment. Ramona, now with her hair cut and dyed again, tells Scott that she is a bad person and that she "had a good time." Her head begins to glow brighter and brighter until she disappears. Scott tries to look for her, but instead lets her cat out and locks himself out of her apartment. Over the next few days, Scott bed-hops whilst trying to get Ramona's cat to come back and constantly mistaking people for Gideon. Kim moves back home to the north, accepting Scott's apology for his behaviour. After moving into a new apartment, Scott reads a note Ramona left behind addressed to Gideon, telling him she wouldn't come back to him. Whilst Scott wonders what this means, he receives a call from Gideon, asking when it would be convenient to die." OHHHH!!! WASNT EVEN IN THE MOVIE AT ALL!!!

ok ending the epic of all..ahhh lets copy and paste "Scott arrives at the Chaos Theatre, where Envy is making her solo debut. As Envy starts her performance, Scott is attacked by Gideon, who is surprised to hear that Ramona isn't with him. When Scott refuses to join the League of Evil Exes, Gideon steals his Power of Love sword and stabs him with it, killing him. Scott finds himself in a desert where he finally sees Ramona again, who apologises for her leaving. Scott kisses her only to be interrupted by Ramona's reminder that he is dead. However, Scott then returns to life thanks to the extra life he obtained from Todd Ingram, and Ramona bursts out of his chest to arrive and confront Gideon. Gideon reveals several cryogenic capsules filled with former girlfriends, wanting Ramona to join them. He then fires a blast which gives everyone 'the glow', causing them to become irritated whilst Gideon fights them. Gideon explains that he formed the league following a drunken post on Craigslist, after his breakup with Ramona, who points out he only started taking interest in her after they broke up.

Ramona tries to use the glow to escape into subspace, but is stabbed by Gideon, who explains the glow is an emotional weapon which seals people inside their own heads with their issues. After learning from Ramona that Gideon literally had a way of getting inside her head, Scott jumps into Ramona's subspace bag and arrives in her head, where he confronts Gideon and gives him the glow. Scott is cornered by Gideon, but his actions encourage Ramona to unite the parts of her that don't belong to Gideon to confront him. Gideon tries to attack Scott but Ramona blocks it with her bag, returning them to the real world and allowing Ramona to retrieve the Power of Love sword, healing her wounds. When Scott sees Gideon shrug Envy off, he comes to understand him and earns the Power of Understanding sword. As they fight, Gideon reveals he had been watching the two via the subspace highway in Scott's head, spicing up some of his memories in the process. Whilst Gideon tries to suggest that Scott and Ramona are their own worst enemies, they agree that Gideon is much worse and finish him, causing him to explode into $7,777,777 in coins.

Scott receives closure from Envy and Gideon's former girlfriends are unfrozen. Ramona reveals she had just been on a wilderness sabbatical at her dad's cabin, with not much luck, and later reaffirms her relationship with Scott, deciding to give it another shot. In the closing pages, Stephen reveals he is now in a gay relationship with Joseph, Scott and Kim start a new band performing awful covers, and Scott sees Knives off to college. After this, Scott meets up with Ramona, who decide to try again and walk into subspace together."

WHAT!! THEY NEVER MENTION THAT STEPHEN IS GAY!!! at all! that bugged me,..but yeahh
over all long post great movie i will explain more on the next post!


Written by Negi on Monday, August 9, 2010 at 2:09 AM

cant wait to see scott pilgrim tomorrow..well later today! ..goin to be awesome! will post a review!!

About the author

There is a lot about me at times I am's weird and random. But that's how I am. I'm the type of person who is a good guy at times and a jerk at all times but really it's more of a way for me to defend myself from people but really I'm understanding and a neat person once you get to know who I really am!

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