oh anyways! besides that book My Doujin Draft is almost done just about 9-10 pages left then i will be starting my Main Draft pages! uhh what else to talk about...oh! well nothing really so ya later all!
wow what a three days haha
oh anyways! besides that book My Doujin Draft is almost done just about 9-10 pages left then i will be starting my Main Draft pages! uhh what else to talk about...oh! well nothing really so ya later all!
Doujin Life
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Pokemon Get!
theres nothing really new really...well not alot new just...yea nothing new...just lettin you all know IM ALIVE!
oh my doujin works almost done! only 14 pages to go! on my draft then its time to get down and dirty with the good draft!
Doujin Life
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well got my netbook up and running...poor lil larg...yes i named my netbook! wanna fight! anyways this poor lil guy is most lkley goin to be used for storage but who knows....who knows... ummm so what else is new what else is new..OH! DOUJIN! uhhh got most of my story done only got like 3 pokemon broken down haha on page 18 of this Name its all about you glaceon! then movin it back down to Johto! fun fun! hahahah so lets see for pokemon for Kouta his Team is baiscly
wow only got two pokemon down as ya can tell by the stars are the ones who got there story and evolutions...done...crap 4 to go..guess i will work on that and i gotta factor in the god damn stones...damn it..oh well just gotta finish up the glaceon ark then onto Nidokings and mismagius! FUN FUN!~
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Death is what brings humans closer to an understanding
well theres nothing really new with me..just doujin block? well not really just stoped at the moment to write me paper! ...that's uhhh going along ok i guess not really much I wanna use but oh well theres really no real up-date soo till later
Doujin Life
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So Doujin work...Im on Page 10 well since im doing research for a pokemon doujin thought i look into the huge mass of the world of that is pokemon
....holy hell!! is all i gotta say the creator is one smart ass from Bulba
The design of six of the major Pokémon regions - Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Orre, Sinnoh, and Almia are strikingly similar in geography and demographics to regions in the real world, specifically those of Japan.
so what there sayin is the pokemon world is all set in japan so that means it can expain every more!! wow...and well check this out
wow if i knew i would of totally checked out and goneto Shimoda City http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shimoda,_Shizuoka
and said HEY IM IN PALLET TOWN!!! lol now heres my pikachu damnit! or go to Hamatsu City and say HEY IM IN NEW BARK TOWN NOW!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamamatsu,_Shizuoka
baicly it really back to the grind thought i share some random research
Doujin Life
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Have you ever truly realized the existence of your own shadow? Your shadow in which always follows you...Because you take it for granted, you may not know... the true meaning of your shadow. Because it is too close to you, you may forget..the darkness of your other self.
and so it's been 11 days after the new years..what have I done? nothing...and for the record that is the opening statement in my story I have to write for my class...such fun writing about shadows no sorry the creation of shadows. so let the fun begin!
so it's almost 2 in the morning by lookin at my clock and well not really tired but oh well...what can you really do so with that said i let you all be's and I shall get back to my doujin work and guess you can say studies
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CLAMP no Kiseki
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So I been
Well Soo Doujin news I been working on a few names...and again I will say this : "The Name is the japanese word a simple draft of a chapter, meant to map out the paneling compostion, dialogue and backgrounds."
so I am working on two current Names one from way way way back "dIsLiFe" yes thats how it's goin to be spelt the "dis" in "life" went from This LIfe to Dislife to dIsLiFe to make it look interesting the dis can be mean many things.....oh! about the story the story is about a reaper(duh) who tells the story about his job heres a part of it
"Death is everywhere, in the shadows, on the plane, or even behind you at this very moment, but really death happens all the time and just happens....your most likley wondering why it happens? have you ever wonder why people scream for help? or when they bag for there life? or even who they are talking too...welll! for that reason when one reaches death we the reaper appear before those who are dying and suffering"
oh for my second name I am working on
I believe Im goin to call it PoKeMoN! Kouta's story!
Its about a boy named Kouta and his Pokemon where he retells the story about his move from Kanto to Johto and meeting up with an old friend/rival from five years before Kouta moved to Johto to start a anew with his partner Negi(Pikachu) and Glacia(Glaceon) his original starting pokemon from Kanto he devoleps a team and freindship with his pokemon starting with his Cyndaquil which he got in Johto then wondered around to Sinnoh to catch some more interesting pokemon over the five years Kouta earned all 8 badges in Johto and got a e-mail from "drake" his rival to meet him at mt.silver to see who vs the legendary trainer Red in this story who knows who will be the winner
woo and I can't wait to finish all of this up the pkm story is a joint project with The MOA's admin Matsuro one of my friends so this is goin to be an awesome story! so laterz all
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Happy New Years 2010
Hmmm 2010 ...2010..wow I really really need to get my life together...well heres what I wanna do! I will finish up this year at U of W ...come on i been at U of W for three years and what has it gotten me? well not much..but well not alot I can say but hey! what can be really said ..but what i still want to do is produce at least one doujinshi and be alot happier...ether way you look at it Im still depressed and or moody no matter way you look at it...hell Im even growin out my hair for the winter but what ever I started this New DOujin project over with the the Admin over the MOA Blog so heres hoping! anyways here is a new years pic and till then! will be posting more over 2010! oh and over to Blogger Tifflee hope ya feel better
(oh and the joint doujin is goin to be a pokemon one..and this is the Trainer! ha! SPOILER! :D)
New years
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